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    云南成考網> 成考試題題庫列表頁> 52. (     ) 


    卷面總分:150分     試卷年份:2025    是否有答案:    作答時間: 150分鐘   

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    提示: Mary在一家電器店買了一臺錄音機, 回去后發現機器不轉, 便拿來要求退貨。店員請她指出問題, 并表示愿意替她修理。經檢發現是電源未接通。

    (S = Shop assistant M = Mary)

    S: Morning. 51 (   ), miss?

    M: Uh, I'd like to return this tape recorder and get my money back. 

    S: 52 (   ) ?

    M: It doesn't work. 

    S: I'm very sorry, but 53 (   ).

    M: 1 got this recorder only yesterday. Are you sure it won't wrong again?

    S: The service department in our store is quite good at that sort of thing. 54 (   ) what the trouble is?

    M: It simply doesn't work. You see, none of the button works. Try it yourself. 

    S: OK. Let me see. Oh, 55 (   ) Now it works very well. 


    A.It doesn't matter. 

    B.we can repair the machine for you.

    C.What can I do for you?

    D.What's wrong with it?

    E.the power is not on.

    F.How about going there?

    G.Can you show me?

    52. (     ) 

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    12. (   ) and I'll get the homework finished. 

    • A、Have one more hour

    • B、One more hour

    • C、Given one more hour

    • D、If I have one more hour

    47. Sarah said Abe loved her truly because (   ) .

    • A、Abe saw her in the crowd though she tried to make herself small

    • B、Abe didn't forget about his mother 20 years later

    • C、Abe kissed her in front of everybody

    • D、Abe said this to her himself

    32. (     )

    • A、angry

    • B、exciting

    • C、sad

    • D、interesting

